Thursday, 21 August 2014

How to Choose the Best Disposable Food Packaging Containers

People prefer to store leftover food items to continue enjoying the pleasure of tasty meals over the consecutive days. In many kitchens, the cabinet and the store is full of plastic boxes, cling wraps, silver foils and other different containers. Using these containers no doubt cut down on food waste but some containers usually pose a threat and burden to the environment and to the health of people. Food must be stored in re usable containers as they help to reduce the environmental harm linked with single-use containers. Knowledge about various other containers which includes the type of resin for plastic containers can help people make reasonable choices. 
Children go to school; men and women step out for their office work. The problem arises in carrying the food item to the respective places. One should know the best type of food containers to be used. The information with good disposable containers is made available either on their packing or with a small pamphlet that comes along with them. People involve in the field of biochemistry have made a lot of research on the same. As the poor quality containers are potential in causing severe harm. Their recycling causes environmental pollution and damage to a person’s well being. Some of the plastics are known to disrupt the normal hormonal activity, asthmatic attacks and allergies etc.
To save the trouble there are various points to be kept in mind both by the manufacturer and the buyer.  Plastics are typically classified by one of seven resin codes, indicating the type of resin used (the code is usually found inside a small triangle on the bottom of containers and bottles), as follows:
1 polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) -Products: Soft drink bottles, water bottles and some medicine containers
2 high density polyethylene (HDPE) - Products: Bottles for milk jugs, detergent, shampoo and motor oil, (also some toys)
3 polyvinyl chloride (V or PVC) -Products: Piping, shower curtains, (and some clip-wraps)
4 low density polyethylene (LDPE) -Products: Wrapping films, grocery bags
5 polypropylene (PP) -Products: Syrup bottles, yogurt tubs, bottle caps
6 polystyrene (PS) - Products: Single-use coffee cups, clam-shell take-out containers, packing peanuts
7 other (usually polycarbonate but can mean any resin not listed above, including compostable plastics) - Products: Medical storage containers, some Nalgene water bottles
One should avoid buying disposable and single-use items such as water bottles, plastic food wrap, plastic cutlery, paper coffee cups, plastic take-out food clam shells, razors and diapers. These items contribute to a large percentage of the total garbage thrown by us even though most of it can be recycled and reused. Instead people must refill their own water bottle, and use re-sealable bags and food storage containers to keep food fresh. When getting food packed from a restaurant or hotel take your containers and request them that the food be put in uncoated paper containers that are easy to compost. People should avoid buying containers from small, cheap shops just to save money. Instead should purchase them from renowned companies and think for betterment on the whole rather than just individual benefits.

Author Bio
The author of this article is associated with Sovereign and write various articles related to Disposable Food Packaging,Catering Packaging,Plastic Food Packaging and its benefits.
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